Grounding Language Models to Images for Multimodal Inputs and Outputs

ICML 2023

Jing Yu Koh Ruslan Salakhutdinov Daniel Fried
Carnegie Mellon University


We propose an efficient method to ground pretrained text-only language models to the visual domain, enabling them to process and generate arbitrarily interleaved image-and-text data. Our method leverages the abilities of language models learnt from large scale text-only pretraining, such as in-context learning and free-form text generation. We keep the language model frozen, and finetune input and output linear layers to enable cross-modality interactions. This allows our model to process arbitrarily interleaved image-and-text inputs, and generate free-form text interleaved with retrieved images. We achieve strong zero-shot performance on grounded tasks such as contextual image retrieval and multimodal dialogue, and showcase compelling interactive abilities. Our approach works with any off-the-shelf language model and paves the way towards an effective, general solution for leveraging pretrained language models in visually grounded settings.

Example of FROMAGe producing multimodal dialogue about birds.


Model architectue of FROMAGe.

FROMAGe (Frozen Retrieval Over Multimodal Data for Autoregressive Generation) is a model trained on image-text pairs on a multi-objective loss of image captioning and image-text retrieval.

It is capable of processing arbitrarily interleaved image and text inputs, and producing interleaved images and text as outputs. FROMAGe is capable of a variety of zero-shot and few-shot image-text tasks.


FROMAGe is capable of producing compelling few-shot results on various image-text tasks. Images shown are retrieved from the Conceptual Captions dataset. More qualitative results are provided in our paper.

Concept Composition

FROMAGe can seamlessly composite image and text data to retrieve images with the desired style or content. Note that the objects ("motorcycle" and "cat") are never explicitly mentioned in text.

Concept composition example of a motorcycle
Concept composition example of a cat

Multimodal Dialogue

FROMAGe can generate multimodal dialogue, processing arbitrarily interleaved image-and-text inputs, and producing image-and-text outputs. Green bubbles indicate model generated outputs, grey bubbles indicate user provided prompts.

Multimodal dialogue example of beaver talk Multimodal dialogue example of house talk

World Knowledge

Our model is able to draw upon knowledge about the world learnt through large scale text-only pretraining of its frozen large language model.

World knowledge

In-context Learning and More

Our model is able to perform many more interesting and compelling image-text tasks. More qualitative results are provided in our paper and appendix.


FROMAGe is one of the first models to be able to both process and produce image-text data. We believe that it is a promising step towards such multimodal capabilities and systems. Nevertheless, it exhibits several important limitations, that we briefly describe here, and go into more detail in our paper and appendix:


Paper preview Grounding Language Models to Images for Multimodal Inputs and Outputs

Jing Yu Koh, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Daniel Fried.

ICML, 2023.



@article{koh2023grounding, title={Grounding Language Models to Images for Multimodal Inputs and Outputs}, author={Koh, Jing Yu and Salakhutdinov, Ruslan and Fried, Daniel}, journal={ICML}, year={2023} }


This work was partially supported by a gift from Google on Action, Task, and User Journey Modeling, and supported in part by ONR N000142312368 and DARPA/AFRL FA87502321015. We thank Wendy Kua for help with the figures, and Santiago Cortés, Paul Liang, Martin Ma, So Yeon Min, Brandon Trabucco, Saujas Vaduguru, and others for feedback on previous versions of this paper. We thank Felix Hill for insightful discussions about Frozen. Icons from FontAwesome and